THE PUERTO RICAN INSTITUTE FOR ARTS AND ADVOCACY, INC. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND A non-profit organization dedicated to promote civic and cultural awareness through the Arts. PRIAA received the Rhode Island Foundation Award for Economic & Development, 2007. Company Overview The Puerto Rican Institute for arts and Advocacy, Inc. (PRIAA), change its name in 2004. Before (PRIAA) was Puertorriqueños Unidos. (OPU). OPU celebrated "Fiesta de Pueblo", an amazing traditional Puerto Rican festival in Central Falls (1994-2004). "Fiesta de Pueblo" was more than a festival, its was a gatherning in which the Puerto Rican and the Latino community emerge, among the Rhode Island Monthly Magazine 1996. Now PRIAA is an outstanding non-profit organization dedicated to Promote civic and cultural awareness of Puerto Rican through the performing, visual arts, literature, crafts and fine Arts. PRIAA works with the state, city agencies, university, school, mu...