
Showing posts from September, 2009

Develan el Monumento La Familia Puertorriqueña

Hartford, Connecticut: ARTE, CULTURA E HISTORIA fue lo que se compartió el dia 23 de septiembre de 2009. Día donde un gran numero representativo de Puertorriqueños de la isla conmemora el Grito de Lares reuniéndose precisamente en el pueblo donde nace la Historia. Para aquellos que no están a tono con lo sucedido, un 23 de septiembre del 1868, un grupo de patriotas puertorriqueños llevó a cabo un levantamiento contra los españoles. Este levantamiento se conoce como el Grito de Lares. En Hartford, CT, sin embargo se hace otra historia. La de-velación del monumento a La Familia Puertorriqueña. El evento comenzó a las 10:00a.m. en el "Learning Corridor", Hartford, CT. Como maestro de ceremonia el Sr. Luis C. Cabán, Director ejecutivo de SINA, Inc. dio la bienvenida a los que allí se congregaron para ver lo que para ellos seria ser parte de la historia, ya que el monumento es único en el mundo. La ceremonia fue dedicada a a cuatros jóvenes, dos de la escuela Elemental ...


JOSE BUSCAGLIA ONE OF THE WORLD’S FINEST AND MOST ACCOMPLISHED SCULPTORS AND ONE OF PUERTO RICO’S FOREMOST ARTISTS.    Photos: Alfonso Acevedo Writter by Lydia Perez Warwick, Rhode Island: José Buscaglia was born in the capital city of San Juan in 1938 and live in Johnston, Rhode Island. His involvement with art dates from the precocious age of eight. During this early phase in his career he underwent intensive training with the Catalonian teacher Ismael D’ Alzina. While a student at Harvard University, he spent a year abroad in Barcelona, Spain, working at the studio of world-renowned sculptor Enrique Monjo. He also took courses at the Academia de Bellas Artes de San Jorge where Picasso, Dalí, and Miró had studied earlier. Following his 1960 graduation he collaborated with Monjo working as his assistant. Returning to Puerto Rico in 1962, Buscaglia held positions for 18 years at the University of Puerto Rico as a professor, sculptor in residence, and director of fin...


Join us at the Dedication of the Monument to the Puerto Rican Family Sculptor: José Buscaglia Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 10:00 AM LEARNING CORRIDOR (Corner of Vernon & Washington Streets) RSVP by: Friday, September 18, 2009 by calling (860) 493-1618 or email: iquiros Limited parking at Trinity & Learning Corridor Be part of history in the making....unveiling of the only monument in the world dedicated to LA FAMILIA PUERTORRIQUEÑA SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF THE PUERTORRICAN FAMILY MONUMENT Four heroic-size figures dominate the central area of the composition. Husband and wife stand together and, in front of them their daughter and son, which jointly carry the Lamb of God which constitutes both the heraldic and official symbol of Puerto Rico. The general theme of the various areas surrounding the family group represent the historical and psychological drama of migration. The upper left hand corner depicts a typical town in Puerto Rico, thus setti...
RESUME Lydia E. Perez-Nieves    OJECTIVE: I am looking for a challenging position dealing with administration with a prominent organization.   Summary of Qualifications With more than 15 years of experience as the CEO of the Puerto Rican Institute for Arts, A non-profit Organization.   I am proficient with matters pertaining to business administration and Management Information Systems. I submit proposals for grants, establish contracts, balance yearly budgets, Data entry, filing records and financial reports. The Puerto Rican Institute for the Arts. (PRIAA) has been received from the Rhode Island Foundation the 2007 Award of Economic and Community Development.   Before that, I managed data entry, Data Processor and secretarial duties.     Work Experience Independent Self Employment , New England              ...