The Puerto Rican Institute for Arts and Advocacy, Inc. is requesting 15 families from the City of Pawtucket who are interested in taking classes on the History of Saints of Puerto Rico, Percussion, Bomba dance and Plena with Vejigante as a cultural exchange. The membership of these families will be free, thanks to the generosity of the City of Pawtucket as a pilot program that we have updated to foster and promote the Puerto Rican Culture in their City of Pawtucket. These 15 families will have the opportunity to learn through our learning programs for the Year 2023. Good gift from the Three Wise Men for the year 2023. First come, first served. The programming covers one semester of free learning. Beginning in the month of February until June. You will be given precise information in the process of your membership. Thank you for being part of this beautiful project that will exalt our Culture with our bateyes and parrandas. Every Wednesday, Bomba classes in the Community, at ...