Photos: Alfonso Acevedo
Providence, Rhode Island: Lydia Perez and Robertico Arias with an incredible touch of Caribbean rhythms at the SpeakNow events held on March 26, 2009. GREAT EVENT, GREAT SUCCESS in a great venue at 242 Restaurant, Atwells, RI, with the participation of Brown Women in Business and the Big Sisters of RI.

A good personalities enjoyed a network and exchange business card in the com-fraternization events coordinated by Sixtia Divine. This event was different because the Blank Magic of the "Caribe" hypnotizes the audience. When Lydia and Roberto performs together a charge of energy with a good vibration came from them to all the audiences. Lydia and Roberto are a great artists of Afro-Caribbean Rhythms in Rhode Island. They are well known in our society. Ms Doris de los Santos, a great leader in our community talked about the
Census 2010. Census is an important issue in our Latino Community.
When Lydia sings the words are SI NO NOS CUENTAN, NO CONTAMOS.