Vejigantes en la Comparsa del Maja...
(videos) 2:30
Music by JUAN BORIA,El Faraón y Declamador del Verso Negro
Masks made by Lydia Perez, Click here.
The Masks and outfill used by Yoruba 2 in Performing Arts.
Vejigante- Mythical figures from town festivals
and folklore in Loiza and Ponce, Puerto Rico. Characterized as bad spirits meant
to scare people back into the church, they symbolize the Moors that St. James,
patron saint of Spain, had fought and vanquished. Masks made from coconut and
paper mache come in many bright colors and costumes with bat-like wings further
the frightful appearance of the Vejigante. Their name derives from “vejiga”
meaning bladder and “jigante” meaning giant due to the custom of blowing up and
painting cow bladders which are carried by Vejigantes.
Las vestimentas y caretas que utiliza YORUBA 2 para la comparsa del Maja. La coreografía es montada con música en vivo de bomba o plena y es tocada y bailada por los estudiantes o la audiencia con el apoyo de miembros de Yoruba2. Las caretas han sido confesionada por Lydia Perez.
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