A non-profit organization dedicated to promote civic and cultural awareness through the Arts. PRIAA received the Rhode Island Foundation Award for Economic & Development, 2007.

Company Overview

  The Puerto Rican Institute for arts and Advocacy, Inc. (PRIAA), change its name in 2004. Before (PRIAA) was Puertorriqueños Unidos. (OPU). OPU celebrated "Fiesta de Pueblo", an amazing traditional Puerto Rican festival in Central Falls (1994-2004). "Fiesta de Pueblo" was more than a festival, its was a gatherning in which the Puerto Rican and the Latino community emerge, among the Rhode Island Monthly Magazine 1996. Now PRIAA is an outstanding non-profit organization dedicated to Promote civic and cultural awareness of Puerto Rican through the performing, visual arts, literature, crafts and fine Arts.

 PRIAA works with the state, city agencies, university, school, museum, gallery and existing organizations bringing the best of the Caribbean arts and tradition of Puerto Rico to the state of Rhode Island and work as a network with others organization of New England. PRIAA brought authentic folklore from Puerto Rico with a significant number of artists directly flown from the island. The Puerto Rican Institute for Arts and Advocacy, Inc., contribution with the City of Providence and Rhode Island had brought to Providence, economic, great diversity and respect for the Puerto Rico Culture.

 MISSION: The Puerto Rican Institute for Arts and Advocacy, (PRIAA), is a non-profit organization, founded in 1994, which works arduously to advocate for the Puerto Rican community, and Latinos in general. We strive to reach our communities with lessons to emerge them in a sense of pride of their cultural identity, their language, and at the same time acquire the commitment to maintain, develop, and transmit that pride generationally. Our advocacy directs through the arts and expressions to maintain the heritage of the Puerto Rican population. We advocate for the respect we deserve as American citizens who contribute to the social, political, economic, and cultural well being of the entire nation. We strive to extend our culture to other Latino nationalities, as well as other nationalities, as an integral part our own culture, in particular the Caribbean culture- creating from our culture a cornerstone of communication among our population which lets us feel identified and proud of our cultural values and morals; of our race, our language, and our idiosyncrasy; as a point of union and brotherhood.

Nuestra Misión: “El Instituto Puertorriqueño de Arte y Abogacía, (PRIAA), es una organización sin fines de lucro, fundada en 1994, que trabaja arduamente para abogar por la comunidad Puertorriqueña y Latinos en general. Abogamos por "Alcanzar nuestras comunidades con enseñanza que les lleve a asimilar y sentirse orgullosos de su identidad cultural, su lengua y a la vez que adquieran el compromiso de mantenerla, desarrollarla y transmitirla generacionalmente. Nuestra abogacía se canaliza a través de las artes y expresiones para conservar el acervo del Pueblo Puertorriqueño. Abogamos por el respeto que merecemos como ciudadanos americanos que aportamos en lo social, lo político, económico y cultural para el bien de toda una nación. Vislumbramos que nuestra cultura llegue a todos las nacionalidades latinas, como parte integral de la cultura y en particular como cultura Caribeña, haciendo de nuestra cultura un gran bloque de comunicación entre nuestros pueblos y que nos haga sentirnos identificados y orgullosos de nuestros valores culturales, morales; de nuestra raza, nuestro idioma y nuestra idiosincrasia; como punto de unión y de hermandad.

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